Astronomical getaway on a catamaran in the Rías Baixas

Embark in search of the purest night skies in unique natural environments.

Spaces Available

8 Seats


24 hours


RCN de Vigo - Jules Verne Monument


Plaza Plaza / Exclusively

Available from September to May

Cancellation free of charge up to 7 days prior to departure

Supplier activity: San Yago Charter

Languages available: Spanish

Location: Real Club Náutico de Vigo

/output 24h

Join the star crew

On this excursion we will leave Vigo and head away from the light pollution towards the Ría de Arosa.
On the way you will discover places of exuberant natural beauty.
In addition, you will learn how to use the sextant, the astrolabe and nautical charts to define the route.
And when night falls, you will discover the sky in all its magnitude and understand why it is full of legends.



Tasting on board



Compulsory Travelers Insurance

We advise you without obligation

Experiment with astronavigation instruments.

You will learn how to use the sextant, astrolabe, planisphere and nautical charts to guide you on the voyage.

Guides in the sea and in the sky

You will be accompanied by professional skippers with many years of experience.
All of them are certified by the Starlight Foundation as astronomical monitors, and they will teach you curiosities about the firmament and astronavigation.

Virtual Reality

Let us take you on a journey into the past with our virtual reality experience.
Our ship will travel back to the 16th century to discover how sailors used the stars to calculate their position and guide their ships.
Available from June!

Explore the stars up close

Your Starlight monitor will help you discover the best corners of the sky with astronomical binoculars.  

Night skies like you've never seen

We will move away from the cities and we will see the great difference with the sky seen from the sea.

Discover unique natural sites from the sea

You will spend 1 or 2 days exploring the Rías Baixas with a professional skipper.

The route of your adventure:

At sunset

Embarkation and navigation

  • We left the Club Nautico de Vigo at sunset (in front of the monument to Jules Verne).
  • We get used to the sea following the Vigo Estuary
  • We stopped in Sanxenxo and observed the light pollution from afar.
Seeking the stars

We sail in search of the best sky

We will continue north along the Ría de Pontevedra to the Ría de Arosa, where we will enjoy the darkest skies.
* The final route will depend on weather conditions.   When you book we will send you a Voucher with all the details: schedule, meeting point, contact phone numbers and some recommendations.
Different meal options available, you will be able to confirm price with the person in charge of this Sea Starlight destination.

The skies in this excursion

You don’t have to go far from the coast to rediscover the spectacle of the night sky.
From the Ría de Arousa we will have a sky of 4 on the Bortle scale, which measures the quality of an area for astronomical observation.
You will see the stars and the Milky Way as never before.

More Information

The Bortle scale is used to measure sky brightness.
It consists of nine levels ranging from the darkest sky (level 1) to the brightest sky (level 9), always taking into account light pollution.
Each level provides information on the quality of the sky and the objects we can observe.
Thus, a perfect sky for observation would enjoy level 1 and a sky in the center of a big city would enjoy level 9.

Aboard the Orion, “the hunter” You will travel aboard this stellar Lagoon 410s2 catamaran.
You will have plenty of room to relax in the salon or on the bow sundeck.

Boat specifications:

Length 12 m

Beam 7 m

Up to 12 people

4 Cabins

4 Bathrooms

This boat has:

{ "style" : "regular", "id" : "blinds-raised", "label" : "Blinds Raised", "unicode" : "f8fd" }


Bathing platform

{ "style" : "regular", "id" : "water-ladder", "label" : "Water Ladder", "unicode" : "f5c5" }

Bathroom ladder

Bathtub cushions

{ "style" : "regular", "id" : "shower", "label" : "Shower", "unicode" : "f2cc" }


{ "style" : "regular", "id" : "volume", "label" : "Volume", "unicode" : "f6a8" }


{ "style" : "regular", "id" : "sailboat", "label" : "Sailboat", "unicode" : "e445" }

Spray hood


Bath towels

Bed linens

Electric toilet

Hot water


USB port

Attachment engine



Electric winches

Electric windlass

{ "style" : "regular", "id" : "location-pin", "label" : "Location Pin", "unicode" : "f041" }


Guides and charts



Coffee machine




Glasses and tubes

Paddle board


Mainsail with battens

Roller genoa


Write to us!
Our astronavigators are here to make your experience unforgettable.
We will help you understand what is included in the price, what the boats are like, how the astronomical activities work and any other questions you may have.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I cancel the previously booked activity?

On each short or long experience page, you have the information and cancellation policy specific to it.
If you still have doubts, you can contact us and we will help you to solve them.

How can I pay at Sea Starlight?

All you have to do is pre-book your activity and fill in the contact information required on the screen.
Shortly, the person in charge of the chosen activity will contact you and will indicate the method of payment (usually by bank transfer or bizum).

If I am going to sail, is it necessary to have any previous experience?

Our experiences are designed for anyone with an interest and no sailing or astronomy experience is required.
Our instructors and skippers love to share their knowledge with all those who visit us.

What should I bring on the day of departure?

Before the activity you will receive a voucher with all the details of your reservation and with the main tips both for sailing and for making observations.
It will depend a lot on the time of the year and the area where you are going to do your activity, but keep in mind that as a general rule, in the sea even in summer it is always advisable to wear several clothes and if we are hot we will remove layers.
Always take some warm clothes for sailing!
The same thing happens when we do observations at night, that although they are months of heat, at night temperatures drop quite a lot and it is preferable to be prepared with a good jacket, a hat to cover our head and even gloves.

Can I hire an exclusive activity?

Of course.
It will depend on the availability in each case but it is very common to reserve a boat for a family or group exclusively.

Is the activity I am going to perform insured?

All our boats are duly registered in List 6 and are covered by Civil Liability Insurance and SOVI (Compulsory Travelers Insurance).
Insurance to cover the typical case of not coming because my grandfather got sick is another matter.
In such cases, you have to take out personal insurance.

Can I meet the employer/monitor beforehand?

If you have any questions we can put you in contact with the skipper.
In the Voucher that we send you previously you will find the data of the skipper/monitor.

May I meet the rest of the crew?

We usually form a WhataApp group before setting sail so that you can get to know the rest of the group and the skipper.
You can discuss the shopping list and other logistical aspects of the trip.

I would like to take the opportunity to learn to sail during a sailing trip, is this possible?

It is always possible and if you want to take the opportunity to learn or increase your training this will be the ideal time.
Most of our skippers are also instructors and have thousands of miles under their belts, so they will be happy to share their knowledge with you and you will be able to actively participate in the maneuvers of the yacht.

Are guards on duty during long departures?

Sailing at night is a wonderful experience but we must take certain precautions.
It is common for passengers to participate in night watches, but always under the supervision and control of the skipper.
It will be an ideal time to enjoy the stars and constellations.
That way the watches will surely be very short!

How many people are on a boat?

It depends a lot on each vessel, specifically on the number of cabins (cabins) available.
Keep in mind that the cabins are usually double cabins and in the “square to square” format it is common to share a cabin with another person.
If you are traveling as a couple, don’t worry, you will have a cabin just for yourselves.
The dinette or saloon is also usually convertible into a bed, although it is the place where the skipper usually sleeps.

On long experiences who is in charge of shopping and cooking?

We usually say that the shopping list, the stowage of food/drinks and cooking are part of the exciting adventure of sailing.
These tasks are done together but always following the skipper’s advice.
Before setting sail you will receive this advice before going to the supermarket.

Will I be able to charge my phone or other electronic equipment on the ship?

Boats are connected to 220v when in port but when sailing they are usually connected to 12v.
Some incorporate generators that can help us to continue having 220v on board even when sailing, but in general, phones, tablets, cameras, and other small devices will never have a problem charging them at 12v or with the help of a cigarette lighter in some cases and in others with a USB directly.
Our ground team will inform you conveniently.

Will I have telephone coverage during my trip?

Depending on the geographical area you are in and the miles to travel.
It is likely that on trips away from the coast you may lose cell phone coverage, unless the boat is equipped with satellite telephony, but this is unusual for trips like the ones we do (satellite telephony is more intended for oceanic navigation).

What will happen if the weather is bad?

In case of extreme weather, we will arrange other dates for departure.
But remember that you can also cancel as described in the cancellation policy of each experience.

Is it possible to change the itinerary of my reservation?

We always try to stick to the planned itinerary, but the weather is part of the sailor and safety is the most important thing for us.
We usually have alternative plans ready when we analyze the forecast and observe that sailing is not going to be safe or comfortable, but if that is not possible either, we postpone the departure for a few hours or schedule another day.
In the worst case scenario, you may cancel the experience.

We are an official travel agency

Our vessels have passenger insurance (SOVI).

Secure payment guarantee

Committed to the sustainability of the seas and the sky

We work with local suppliers and promote km 0

Starlight Foundation Seal Certificates


Astronomical getaway on a catamaran in the Rías Baixas



Déjanos tus datos y en breve te contactamos para completar tu reserva.


Leave us your information and we will contact you shortly to complete your reservation.